Tuesday, September 16, 2014

09/15 & 09/16

The time just seemed to get away from me yesterday and I didn't get a post in.  Yesterday was my first day working from home and dealing with a puppy.  Though in all honesty I didn't have her a lot of the day.  Willow had a vet appointment and ended up spending the day at the vets.  She had a blast and they are all in love with her.  The vet gave us great news.  Willow's UTI is all cleared up!  YAY!!! We had a good time playing before going to the vet.  While at the vet's she played extremely hard.  They had something like 7 puppies there that day and they all got along great and played great. According to all the tech's and the vet Willow had a great time.  I know she was sure tired.  They actually had to wake her up to bring her to me.  That's just not like her.  Apparently Willow and another pup were playing and they both fell asleep while playing.  Training was a little tough yesterday.  Willow's heart just wasn't into it. She would respond to sit, touch, or her name 2, maybe 3 times and then just lay and close her eyes.  So I decided the one 5 minute session would have to do.  She was just too tired to concentrate. She slept REALLY well last night and she slept in this morning.

Today was a good day.  We both slept in a little and so we were running late.  I barely got started on my work on time.  I decided to do an experiment this morning.  After she had eaten and gone potty I brought her into my office with me.  She did wonderful for about 45 min.  She was chewing on her antler and a couple of her stuffies (stuffed animal chew toys).  She lay down right next to me and was very quiet and mellow.  Then she started getting restless so we took a quick trip outside to potty and then because she still seemed tired I put her in her crate for awhile with a small milk  bone and her toys.  Checked on her 5 min later and she was fast asleep.  Came back in 2 hours and woke her up.  We went for a short walk, played in the yard, did some more training on touch, sit, down, off and then came in and chilled in the office for another 45 min.  Went back outside to potty, came back in had lunch, back out to potty, rest time in crate. Then spent the rest of the afternoon alternating between being outside, training, working in office, and crate time.
I have noticed that she is most active first thing in the morning and later in the evening after it begins to cool down.  Willow definitely doesn't like the heat.

This evening we decided we wanted to go to Quizno's for dinner so Willow and I went down to get our food.  At first when we went in she seemed a little unsure of herself but as we were turning around to leave other people started coming in and she got so excited to see them that she forgot to be nervous. There was a tall heavy set gentlemen who wanted to pet her and I let him.  There were also 2 young women who looked at her but wanted nothing to do with petting her.  And that was fine.  Willow got her first taste of not being able to have everyone make a fuss over her. When she tried to pull away from me to get to them (or so I thought) I redirected her attention.  I called her name and since she turned her head towards me I clicked and gave a jackpot treat (a small piece of cheese). Every time I could get her to look at me I clicked and treated. I wanted to reward her for looking at me with major distractions around.  Three people in the restaurant, One of whom brought food from Subway and sat the bag on the floor (that's what Willow was trying to get to) plus there were all the yummy food smells from Quizno's.  It was enough to make your mouth water, let a lone a little pup.   I  was very proud of her today.

Till next time...

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