Saturday, September 27, 2014

It was a UTI and...

Well, I was unfortunately correct.  Willow has another UTI.  Second one in a month.  She also has an infection, Coccidia.  Apparently it's common in puppies and older dogs.  Luckily the same medicine is used to treat both.  An antibiotic called TMS she takes twice a day.  Since she has now had two UTI's I have also started her on a Cranberry pill that has vitamin C in it as well.  The vet said this would be fine and should help her with her urinary tract health.  The vitamin C will help her with any stress she feels (new situations, new noises, getting vaccinations, being on antibiotics, etc.).

She just started yesterday but she has already started doing better.  She only had one accident and I think that was because she was pretty nervous about the carpet spot shampooer. She was busy watching it and peed.  I'm not sure she even knew she did it.

I've been told Swissys are like that. They have a one track  mind and can't do two things at once until they are a lot older (about 1 or 2 years old). Some people have told me that having a Swissy puppy is like having a puppy with ADHD.  I have to agree.

Anyway, Willow goes back to the vet in two weeks for a recheck. I'm just glad she is back to more of her normal self. Hopefully she will be completely well by then.

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